Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sometimes service is in the "thank you"

All to often, we, or at least I associate service with a big or noble act.  However, I'm now wondering if service is any time we do for others.  Can this be as simple as communication?  All to often, in our crazy busy world today, we think the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Often, communication is negative in nature.  Can we flip that and even go so far as to consider it a small, but important form of service?

Recently, I took some time to thank a few parents for sending me such wonderful kids to work with.  It felt so good to write them and send thanks, something we rarely take the time to do.  I received a few thank you comments back and it was a wonderful way to end another great year.  

I think that every time we take a moment to share something positive or to send a thank you, that is a small form of service and is ALWAYS worth it.

Sometimes service is just part of what you do, big or small...

I was reminded yesterday, that service is not always grand nor does it require travel to far away and less fortunate places.  My 8th grade students had their semi-formal last night as they graduate from middle school on Monday.  Parents, teachers, and students volunteered their time to chose a theme and decorate for the big night.  Parents volunteered to provide beverages and baked goods.  Teachers gave up a Friday night and volunteered their time to supervise so the dance could happen...and it was all worth it.  At 7:00 parents, friends and family gathered outside the school on a gorgeous night to take photos while the kids were all dressed up and at 7:30 the official festivities began as the doors were opened, parents were sent away, and kids got to celebrate their last middle school dance, a monumental coming of age tradition.  The music changed, ebbed and flowed, but the emotions remained complex and unchanged.  Joy mixed with sadness.  The opening and closing of doors.  Opportunity and inspiration.  Excitement and fear.  But the fun never stopped...they danced all night long, forming memories that will last a lifetime.